Our targets are to produce products with superior quality and high quality and to be with our customers after sales. Beyond customer needs is to maximize customer satisfaction with products. We work with a system based on customer satisfaction to preserve the professional value and reputation of the calcium carbonate manufacturing industry.
Our basic principles are to take the economic and dynamic structure of our business more and more by implementing short and long term rational and confidential policies and to increase the confidence in our company. To achieve this aim, it is our basic principle to assume management and to be the leader of the market. Our main purpose is to work for our products and production processes to achieve the highest quality, efficiency, effectiveness and to manufacture in accordance with the relevant technical and quality standards.
The quality of our products begins with the quality of our employees and our partners. Providing maximum benefit from our human resources as talents, strength and creativity; to increase productivity, to provide a working environment where cooperation and solidarity is gaining, to ensure the continuity of the generations of our operations. It is our most significant principle about our employees to be in the training and development activities for our employees, to protect the rights, legal and interests of our employees, to accept health and safety at work in the production facilities as basic values. It is also crucial for our company to support the academic world's activities in this direction with the initiatives to equip the sector with qualified human resources.
It constantly exchanges information with our suppliers, enables them to supply materials in appropriate quality and price in line with technological developments in the sector, and increases working efficiency.
There is no discrimination in our business based on gender, race, religion, physical disability and unfounded references. We undertake to comply with the law in all our activities. It depends on transparency and integrity principles; we take the necessary precautions to protect the natural environment during production activities and attach importance to the protection of natural resources. We struggle to carry out the necessary work for the efficient use of energy resources and to reduce the energy consumption in our facilities to a minimum.